International Conference
Announcing the British Society for Phenomenology Annual Conference 2020: The British Society for Phenomenology Annual Conference is a longstanding and respected feature of the UK academic scene, providing a friendly and supportive forum for inter-disciplinary discussion. This year we are partnering with Egenis at the University of Exeter (UK) who will host the 2020 conference under the theme of ‘Engaged Phenomenology’. The conference will be co-sponsored by the Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health. Together, we will seek to explore the interface between the theory and history of phenomenology and its practice by academics and professionals of many fields.
Further information and dates for your diary: |
Call for papers
Knowledge-that/knowledge-how: between phenomenology and analytic philosophy – Thematic dossier of Studia UBB Philosophia (Issue 3/2020)
Possible topics include (but are not limited to):
Papers should be written in English. Their length should be between 5000 and 8000 words. The papers should be accompanied by a short abstract written in English (maximum 300 words), 3-8 keywords and a short biography of the author(s). |
Call for Papers
7th Annual International Conference of the Centre for Phenomenology in South Africa
Philosophy and Eschatology,
11-12 September 2020 Read more |
Международный коллоквиум
5-6 March 2020, Crawford Beach Lodge in Chintsa, South Africa Read more |
Call for papers
Subjectivity and Emotion in the Individual and the Group
"Subjectivity and Emotion in the Individual and the Group" -
special theme of Danish Yearbook for Philosophy.
Deadline for submissions is June 1st, 2020. |
Call for applications
Research Summer School in |
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology / Graduate School for Social Research, Polish Academy of Sciences
Abstract requirements:
Deadlines: Participation is free of charge, but a registration is required. Please, write a short E-mail to: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. |
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