- 08 Февраль 2023
Call for Papers
« Πόλεμος πάντων μὲν πατήρ ἐστι… » L’histoire de la phénoménologie à travers ses conflits Colloque pour le cinquantième anniversaire de la fondation du Centre d’études phénoménologiques Institut supérieur de Philosophie Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) 18-20 octobre 2023 Argumentaire & Appel à contributions Il y a assurément plusieurs manières de faire et d’écrire l’histoire de la phénoménologie. L’on peut par exemple s’intéresser à ses sources et ses rapports complexes et parfois ambigus aux traditions aristotélicienne, cartésienne et kantienne, pour ne citer que les plus importantes. L’on peut également, de façon tout aussi classique, suivre ses grandes et moins grandes figures et reconstruire ses développements foisonnants de façon strictement chronologique et linéaire (ce fut le parti de Herbert Spiegelberg dans les deux célèbres volumes constituant The Phenomenological Movement). L’on peut encore se pencher sur le destin des grands concepts thématiques et opératoires de la pensée phénoménologique : l’intentionnalité, la donation, le sens, le monde de la vie, l’intersubjectivité, le Dasein, la temporalité, l’inapparent, le néant, la perception, la chair et tant d’autres. L’on peut enfin, comme c’est souvent le cas, croiser ces approches, et c’est d’un tel croisement précisément que peut en naître une autre qui, tout en s’inscrivant dans leur sillage, multiplie les recoupements et conduit à lever des excédents de sens à la lumière desquels il devient possible de relire toute la chaîne de la phénoménologie et de voir ainsi d’un œil neuf chacun de ses maillons dans son rapport à un ou plusieurs autres. Nous faisons ici référence à la relecture de l’histoire de la phénoménologie à travers ses conflits, ses polémiques, ses confrontations, ses explications (Auseinandersetzungen) bien souvent internes, mais dont les causes directes ou indirectes proviennent parfois de son « dehors ». Malgré les apparences, ce type d’histoire, par les objets qu’il se donne, ne se laisse pas réduire à une histoire événementielle, car l’accentuation des tensions révèle bien souvent le caractère indissociable de l’accidentel et de l’essentiel. L’histoire de la phénoménologie à travers ses conflits veut donc prendre au sérieux et même radicaliser la célèbre formule de Ricoeur selon laquelle « la phénoménologie au sens large est la somme de l’œuvre husserlienne et des hérésies issues de Husserl », en montrant que le déplacement, l’opposition, la contradiction, le désaccord, la contestation, etc. furent et restent des ressorts déterminants du « penser phénoménologique » et de son renouvellement incessant, autrement dit de la vie passée, présente et future de la discipline. Cette manière de faire et d’écrire l’histoire de la phénoménologie nous semble résonner avec nombre de travaux de Jacques Taminiaux, fondateur de notre Centre d’études phénoménologiques (membre associé au réseau des Archives Husserl) ; centre dont nous célébrerons en 2023 le cinquantième anniversaire. C’est aussi en pensant à lui, disparu en 2019, que nous plaçons cette rencontre sous l’égide d’un fragment bien connu d’Héraclite, un présocratique dont il appréciait l’esprit. Cette rencontre est l’occasion d’un appel à contributions à destination des chercheurs confirmés comme des plus jeunes chercheurs (les doctorants et post-doctorants sont particulièrement encouragés à nous envoyer leurs propositions). Parmi les sujets possibles d’exposés, de façon non exhaustive :
Les exposés dureront environ 30 minutes (suivies de 10-15 de discussion) et pourront se faire en français, en allemand ou anglais. Le CEP dispose d’un petit budget pour aider aux frais de transports de quelques un.e.s des jeunes chercheur.e.s dont les propositions auront été acceptées. Il pourra aider les autres à trouver un hébergement sur place et offrira les repas du soir et du midi. Le Centre pourra également rédiger et envoyer des lettres d’acceptation pour faciliter les demandes de financement auprès des Ecoles doctorales, départements, centres et instituts de recherche et autres organisations pouvant aider à la prise en charge de leurs frais. Si la situation sanitaire le permet, le colloque se déroulera en présentiel. Des interventions en ligne sont envisageables selon les circonstances. Date-limite pour l’envoi des propositions à Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. : 1er mars 2023. Les notifications d’acceptation ou de refus seront envoyées dans le mois qui suit. |
- 08 Февраль 2023
Call for papers
Transcendental Idealism & Ethics May 4, 2023 - May 5, 2023 Submission deadline: February 10, 2023 Department of Philosophy, Trinity College Dublin Transcendental Idealism & Ethics - PhilEvents Sponsor(s): UK Kant Society Hegel Society of Great Britain Speakers: Trinity College, Dublin Oxford University University College Dublin Topic areas Details Ever since Kant, Transcendental Idealism has been a source of both fascination and repulsion. The fascination arguably comes from Transcendental Idealism’s promise to put the human being in a privileged position with respect to nature—a position of freedom, which makes room for the ethical. The repulsion arguably comes from much the same reason. How could we, tiny specks in the whole of nature, freely give the law to nature and ourselves? Kant’s answer to these problems lies in his distinction between appearances (phenomena) and things in themselves (noumena). Insofar as we are parts of sensible nature, which for Kant is made up of appearances, we are subject to its laws. Yet insofar as we also have a non-sensible or intellectual nature, then we may think of ourselves as not subject to the laws of sensible nature, but rather as the Subjects who freely give the law to both sensible nature (categories) and themselves (moral law) in the first place. At first, Kant’s Transcendental Idealism would seem to make our freedom, and hence ethics itself, compatible with natural necessity. However, more than settling the matter, Kant’s ingenious view created a whole set of new problems. Some of these problems concern the “non-naturalistic” conception that Kant has of ethics, by which to think of ourselves as free (let alone be free), we must be able to station ourselves “outside” sensible nature. Indeed, this conception risks flying in the face of most of our beliefs about ourselves and ethics, whereby human beings, their wills, and their actions are parts of sensible nature. Other problems regard the very coherence—or potential lack thereof—of Transcendental Idealism. If Transcendental Idealism is coherent, could it be squared with the naturalistic picture of ethics described above? If it is not coherent, what are we left with? Can there be versions of Transcendental Idealism that cannot be said, yet that can be known ineffably, and in which ethics is somehow shown? Or should we just embrace the naturalistic picture? If so, how, if at all, can the latter explain freedom, and thereby ethics? This workshop will explore questions such as these, regarding the relationship between Transcendental Idealism, generally conceived, and ethics. We will explore these questions as they arise in Kant, his contemporaries, successors and critics (e.g. Hegel, Husserl, Wittgenstein, Sellars, Williams), with the help of four outstanding keynote speakers: Prof. Lilian Alweiss (Trinity), Prof. Joe Saunders (Durham), Prof. James O'Shea (UCD), and Prof. Adrian W. Moore (Oxford). (Adrian Moore's talk will be delivered online. http://idealism-ethics.weebly.com/ Supporting material |
- 08 Февраль 2023
International Conference
CHAMADA DE ARTIGOS XIV Congresso Internacional da S.E.F.E. (Sociedad Española de Fenomenologia) VI Jornadas Ibéricas de Fenomenologia (SEFE e AFFEN) “Fenomenologia, feminismo e intersubjectividade”. Local do evento: UNED. Centro Asociado Escuelas Pías. C/ Tribulete 14. 28012. Madrid (Espanha). 27, 28, 29 de Septembro de 2023. Neste XIV Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Espanhola de Fenomenologia estudaremos as interrelações efetivas e possíveis entre a fenomenologia e o feminismo, tendo como fio condutor a intersubjetividade, preocupação central de Husserl como se pode constatar nos três volumes de Husserliana a ela dedicados. Por conseguinte, não se trata de abordar o feminismo isoladamente, ou de encará-lo como um dos temas ou como um ramo da fenomenologia, mas sim de discutir as investigações que estabelecem relações entre essas duas tradições de pensamento, a fim de enriquecer as suas respectivas abordagens à intersubjetividade e ao reconhecimento. Não se trata apenas de ter em consideração a forma como certas teorias e práticas feministas se baseiam na fenomenologia (estática, genética e generativa), mas também de reflectir sobre o que as fenomenologias feministas têm contribuído para a fenomenologia, ou até mesmo como a transformaram e a desenvolveram como fenomenologia crítica e não apenas descritiva. Discutiremos, também, o que se convencionou chamar “fenomenologia feminista”, cuja principal característica é o uso da fenomenologia no campo da teoria feminista e dos estudos de género, assim como o tema “fenomenologia e diferença sexual”. Os estudos fenomenológicos da subjetividade e da intersubjetividade têm presente a experiência vivida que o feminismo estuda através dos diferentes "estilos" de ser-no-mundo a partir de seu ponto zero: o corpo pertencente a um género. Os congressos e os compêndios dos trabalhos realizado nestes campos já são considerados clássicos e têm contribuído substancialmente para promover a investigação em fenomenologia feminista nas universidades, bem como através da rede internacional “Grupo de fenomenologia feminista” e da Sociedade para a Fenomenologia Feminista Interdisciplinar, fundada por Bonnie Mann na Universidade de Oregon, em 2006. Com o objetivo de promover estas investigações e divulgar os seus resultados, a Sociedade Espanhola de Fenomenologia (SEFE) e a Associação Portuguesa de Filosofia Fenomenológica (AFFEN), organizam este Encontro estabelecendo as seguintes linhas do Congresso:
De acordo com estas linhas e com o sentido geral do Congresso, poderão ser feitas propostas de comunicações individuais ou de simpósios temáticos, que serão avaliadas por pares. As propostas de comunicação podem ser enviadas para Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. , de 01/04/2023 a 30/04/2023.Os simpósios deverão ser propostos, para o mesmo endereço, de 15 a 30 de março, para que, uma vez aprovados, cada participante possa apresentar a sua proposta de 1/4 a 30/4, com os mesmos dados, porém indicando claramente a que simpósio ela se encontra adscrita. As propostas devem ser enviadas de acordo com as seguintes indicações:
Cada contribuição deve ser registada separadamente, nas mesmas datas das comunicações individuais com as seguintes indicações: autor, instituição, resumo (máximo 300 palavras), resumo curricular (máximo 200 palavras), simpósio e coordenador. Uma vez aprovada a proposta, cada participante deverá inscrever-se individualmente, pagando as taxas correspondentes na conta da Sociedade Espanhola de Fenomenologia (SEFE), enviando uma cópia da inscrição, indicando claramente o nome do participante, acompanhada do título da sua comunicação aceite, do nome da sua instituição e do seu endereço de e-mail. Inscrição: Uma vez aceites as suas propostas, os participantes devem inscrever-se através do formulário disponível (com toda a informação adicional) em https://www.sefe.es/ Deverão enviá-lo para o endereço Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. juntamente com o comprovativo do pagamento da taxa correspondente. Tarifas: As taxas de inscrição deverão ser pagas no número de conta da Sociedad Española de Fenomenología (SEFE): ES59 2085-5681-52-0330418372 BIC CAZRES2Z Sócios da SEFE e da AFFEN: Gratuita. Deverão inscrever-se antes de 30 de Maio, como se indica acima. Inscrição: 50€ (75€ depois de 30 Maio de 2023 até 15 de Junho) Inscrição estudante/desempregado: 25€ (50€ depois de 30 de Maio até 15 de Junho) Assistentes: a participação no congresso será gratuita até a lotação total. Só se devem inscrever aqueles que pretendam receber um diploma, pelo que deverão pagar 15 euros na conta acima indicada. Juntamente com o comprovativo de pagamento, a ficha de inscrição deverá ser enviada para o endereço do congresso Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. Não se admitem inscrições com data posterior a 15 de Junho d 2023. Idiomas do Congresso: Espanhol, português e inglês. |
- 08 Февраль 2023
International Conference
Phenomenology and History Annual Conference of the Central and East European Society for Phenomenology Novi Sad, 6 - 8 September 2023 https://ceesp.org/module/event/view.php?id=100658&show=CFP Phenomenology was originally designed to be a science that attempted to overcome particular and accidental determinants. For many scholars, this attempt meant that phenomenology should focus, as some argued, on timeless and non-historical meanings and essences. This reading, however, was misleading and did not do justice to the nuanced way in which “the historical” was approached by Husserl and his followers (and critics). Given a thorough analysis of inner time-consciousness, passive synthesis, and the phenomenon of sedimentation, it became evident that “the historical” is a crucial component not only of the past, but of the very experience of the present. Call for papers The phenomenology of history is not only an important part of phenomenological studies, but also opens new perspectives on the history of philosophy, as is the case in the writings of Husserl, Heidegger, Patočka, and Marion, to mention only a few authors. A phenomenological approach to the history of philosophy points out that it is about discovering the “closed-off” dimension of the original philosophical evidence. This is not closed off because the meanings in question are fixed once and for all and are not amenable to any transformation, but because what is at stake is the evidence that internally supported the construction of the philosophical positions of the past, yet at the same time was not exposed in a sufficiently clear and adequate manner. When the philosophical positions of the past were shaped, the evidence that actually motivated and initiated the emergence of certain philosophies remained a sediment that has not yet been reactivated, i.e., brought to itself-givenness in such a way that its crucial effect can be appreciated for what it is. Moreover, being-closed-off as a feature of the original evidence also means that the history of philosophy represents a unique movement. What drove its development over and over again was a telos that was common to all relevant philosophical positions of the past, yet remained closed off within them—which meant that no philosophy was able to realize the telos present in it, a telos to which it owes its legitimation within the historical flow of philosophy. Unlike Hegel’s notion, the phenomenological notion of teleological history does not rest upon the idea of development: Husserl’s convincing analysis focused on the factual state of philosophical research suggests that history is about the internal breakdown of its guiding idea rather than about a successful and fruitful path to its fulfillment and realization. According to his remark expressed at the beginning of the Crisis, “the whole historical process has a remarkable form, one which become visible only through an interpretation of its hidden innermost motivation. Its form is not that of a smooth development, not that of a continual growth of lasting spiritual acquisitions or of a transformation of spiritual configurations—concepts, theories, systems—which can be explained by means of the accidental historical situations” (Crisis, 11–12). The thematic scope of the conference will include (but is not limited to) the following topics:
Language: the conference will be held in English. Deadline for submissions: April 15, 2023. Notifications of acceptance: May 15, 2023. Email: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. (add the “CEESP 2023 Conference proposal” in the email subject field). Registration fee: 70 EUR. Submission types: Individual papers: Please submit an anonymized abstract of the proposed contribution (max. 300 words) and a cover letter with affiliation and contact information. A regular time slot is approx. 40 minutes (30 min for presentation + 10 min for discussion). Thematic panels: The proposal should consist of abstracts for 3 papers as part of one panel (max. 300 words per abstract) as well as a separate cover letter with affiliations of the panelists and contact information. The panelists will have approx. 120 minutes in total at their disposal for the discussion of the proposed topic. Onsite Organizing Committee: Dragan Prole, Damir Smiljanić, Una Popović, Lazar Atanasković, Tanja Todorović |
- 08 Февраль 2023
International Conference
Phenomenology and the Limits of Experience (21–23 September 2023, University of Bucharest) Organized by the University of Bucharest (ICUB) and the Romanian Society for Phenomenology Keynote Speakers: Natalie Depraz, Saulius Geniusas, Sara Heinämaa. The recent publication of Husserliana XLII, Die Grenzprobleme der Phänomenologie, in 2014 has revitalized a concern with the question of the “limits of experience,” a question that phenomenology has been struggling with throughout its history. In discussing such phenomena as death, birth, deep sleep, or dream, Husserl elaborates a vast set of expressions intended to integrate them systematically into his phenomenology as “marginal problems” (Randprobleme), “higher altitude problems” (Höhenprobleme), “transition problems” (Übergangsprobleme). In contrast to Husserl, it was already Eugen Fink who clearly saw that such issues actually exceed the capacities of classical phenomenology and call for methodological innovations. His plea for a “constructive” and “speculative” turn in phenomenology originates in such considerations. Similarly, existentialist and hermeneutic philosophers working within a phenomenological tradition, such as Jaspers or Heidegger, recognized that aside from posing methodological difficulties for phenomenology, phenomena in which being is confronted with the “possibility of its impossibility” (death, anxiety) can themselves serve as a springboard for more general and penetrating insights. More recent phenomenological projects, following and going beyond Husserl’s essential characterization of alienness as “accessibility in genuine inaccessibility,” shed new light on the experiential (co-)constitution of limits in the homeworld/alienworld dynamic and place it at the center of their non-foundationalist endeavors. The present conference aims to address multifarious implications of the “limits of experience” in phenomenology. We are interested in contributions that thematically explore and expand the spectrum of limit-phenomena by tackling the limits of perception, recollection, experience of the other (empathy), bodily expressivity, sense-making, etc. We also welcome contributions that reflect systematically on the limits and borders of phenomenology as a discipline and on its relations to other philosophical or scientific fields and traditions. Submissions that methodologically engage with the potentialities of limits, posing questions of phenomenological access to such phenomena or addressing the relevance of anomalies and extreme cases for a phenomenological eidetics, are encouraged as well. We welcome contributions dealing with (but not limited to) any of the following topics:
Language: The conference will be held in English. Venue: University of Bucharest (Rectorate Building, Șoseaua Panduri nr. 1). Deadline for submissions: April 10, 2023. Notifications of acceptance: May 20, 2023. Email: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. Registration fee: 60 EUR. Submission types: Individual papers: Please submit an anonymized abstract of the proposed contribution (maximum 300 words) and a cover letter with affiliation and contact information. A regular time slot is approximately 40 minutes (30 min. for presentation + 10 min. for discussion). Thematic panels: The proposal should consist of anonymized abstracts for 3 papers as part of one panel (maximum 300 words per abstract) as well as a separate cover letter with affiliations of the panelists and contact information. The panelists will have approximately 120 minutes in total at their disposal for the discussion of the proposed topic. Organizing Committee: Alexandru Bejinariu, Remus Breazu, Cristian Ciocan, Christian Ferencz-Flatz, Paul Marinescu. |
- 13 Февраль 2020
Call for papers
Realism, Pragmatism, Naturalism. The Metamorphosis of Phenomenology in North America
This issue of “Discipline filosofiche” will assess the process of re-elaboration and re-definition that Husserl's phenomenology underwent in North America not only from the standpoint of its historical-philosophical implications, but especially in view of its theoretical outcomes, the underlying conviction being that the exploration of such debates can offer the opportunity to outline a new interpretative canon for Husserlian phenomenology.
Guidelines for authors: Manuscripts may be submitted in Italian, English, German or French. They must be sent as an email attachment in .doc or .docx format, along with a .pdf version, to Antonio Nunziante (
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) and Danilo Manca |
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