- 18 December 2023
Article/Publication Details
Views: 1047
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HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology. Vol. 12, №2 (2023), 302–326 |
Language: | English |
Document type: | Research Article |
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2023-12-2-302–326 | PDF (Downloads: 1047) |
It is common to assume of an “objectivist” stage of Zubiri, prior to his meeting with Heidegger in Freiburg. However, if we analyze Zubiri’s philosophy before his stay in Freiburg, we already find a “metaphysical” orientation, and not merely an objectivist one. This orientation is intrinsically related to the early appearance of the notion of “reality” in his courses. The appearance of his concept of reality is at least partially motivated by Zubiri’s early reading of Heidegger’s habilitation thesis on Duns Scotus. Zubiri discovered in Heidegger the possibility of trying to carry out a phenomenological characterization of reality, which took him beyond the conception, basically idealistic, of being as a “position” or as a “belief.” With Heidegger, Zubiri was able to sustain that reality is not something extra animam. However, Zubiri could not follow Heidegger in his conceptualization of reality based on human existence, and with this he began his own path in philosophy. A path that, in a certain sense, breaks with all phenomenology, because reality is located at a moment prior to the meaning of things for a subject or for a human existent. And yet, a path that continues the phenomenological claim of a descriptive fidelity to the things themselves.
Zubiri, Heidegger, Husserl, Phenomenology, epoché, Scotus, unum, haecceitas, reality, metaphysics.
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