Studies in Phenomenology

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Title in the language of publication: ДЖОЕРИ ШРАЙВЕРС
Translation from English: MARIA RAKHMANINOVA
Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 10, №2 (2021), 585-608
Language: Russian
Document type: Translation from English
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2021-10-2-585-608 PDF(Downloads: 2630)

We offer an introductory article to the translation of Dutch philosopher Joery Schrijvers’ work Phenomenologists and Anarchism, which deals with the reception of current foreign trajectories of phenomenological and akratic reflexions from the perspective of contemporary Russian academic discourse. In the light of this, an attempt is made to assess the significance and originality of J. Schrijvers’ study, focused on the conceptual juxtaposition of two philosophical traditions: phenomenology and the philosophy of anarchism. The value of the author’s stated perspective, which provides an opportunity to revise the classical phenomenological texts, is articulated as being related to its methodological novelty—not only for the Russian-speaking space, but also for foreign philosophy; a review and analysis of the central theses of the article, related to the key figures of the line of succession of acrical reflection in the phenomenological tradition, which is outlined by the author, is given, including: M.Heidegger, R. Schürmann, E.Levinas, J.Derrida, J.-L.Nancy, J.-I.Lacoste, C.Romano and J.-L.Marion. The article also builds theoretical connections between the anarchist foundations of a number of phenomenological reflections identified by J. Schrijvers and the ontological accoutrements of other current philosophical trends—for example, the actor-network theory and the polyphony of new materialisms.

Key words
anarchist philosophy, anarchism, phenomenology, acratic, interdisciplinarity, an-arche, anarchist studies.


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