Studies in Phenomenology

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Paris: Hermann Éditeurs, 2018. ISBN: 978270569551 4

Title in the language of publication: РЕЦЕНЗИЯ НА КНИГУ ПАТРИКА ФЛАККА
Paris: Hermann Éditeurs, 2018. ISBN: 978270569551 4
Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 8, №2 (2019), 740-759
Language: Russian
Document type: Book review
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2019-8-2-740-759 PDF (Downloads: 2716)

The project of rewriting the history of structuralism conceived and partially realized by philosophers implies clarifying relationship between structuralism and phenomenology. It transcends the scope of research in history of science and in history of philosophy (phenomenology) because discussing such a significant scholarly and philosophical phenomenon of the first half of the past century which still exists, albeit with the prefix ‘post,’ ineluctably involves ‘post-science,’ ‘post-philosophy’ and all kinds of ‘posts’ including post-politics. This is due to the turning point that we are going through and to the crisis (in the positive sense of the word) of all the concepts and ideas habitual for the European and global culture, above all as far as science and philosophy are concerned. In this context it is instructive to address the history of formation of structuralism, its development in interaction with different currents of thought, notably with phenomenology and finally, that of its transformation into poststructuralism.

Key words
Phenomenology, structuralism, poststructuralism, formal method, sign, the issue of meaning, expression.


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