- 25 November 2019
Article/Publication Details
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Title in the language of publication: | PATOČKA’S PHILOSOPHY OF ART AND CARE FOR THE SOUL |
Author: | JAN JOSL |
Issue: |
HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology. Vol. 8, №2 (2019), 602-612 |
Language: | English |
Document type: | Research Article |
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2019-8-2-602-612 | PDF (Downloads: 3158) |
The Socratic theme of care for the soul expresses in Patočka’s late thought his desire to keep the understanding of human existence as a place of turn, metanoia, of struggle between authenticity and inauthenticity. This tendency not only goes against Heidegger and his late philosophy, but is also opposed to Patočka’s own earlier project of asubjective phenomenology as well. This essay argues, firstly, that the importance of subjectivity and existential dimension is still present in art and secondly, that art represents for Patočka sort of care for the soul. The argument has three stages. First, I demonstrate what Patočka means by soul or experience of soul and how we should understand the term ‘care.’ I argue that what Patočka understands under the concept of soul consists has freedom, krisis, and physis as its main features. The second part demonstrates that in Patočka’s view, these features are present in art. The last part compares art and philosophy as two kinds of care for the soul and demonstrates the limits of art as care of the soul. My conclusion is that art represents for Patočka a limited form of care for the soul compared to philosophy. However, according to Patočka, in current situation it is the only way of care for the soul that is left.
Key words
Phenomenology, aesthetics, Jan Patočka, art, care for the soul, Socrates, Plato.
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