Studies in Phenomenology

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London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. ISBN 978-1-137-59795-3

Title in the language of publication: РЕЦЕНЗИЯ НА КНИГУ АДОНИСА ФРАНГЕСКУ
London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. ISBN 978-1-137-59795-3
Issue: HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology.
Vol. 7, №2 (2018),  576–585
Language: Russian
Document type: Review
DOI : 10.21638/2226-5260-2018-7-2-576-585 PDF (Downloads: 2714)

Frangeskou’s point of departure in his juxtaposition of Levinas and Kant is the problem of transcendental schematism but not the tension between autonomy and heteronomy as it is common for most of the published literature. Thus, the middle ground between Levinas and Kant is occupied by Heidegger, but also by Franz Rosenzweig with his “biblical” version of ecstatic temporality. Levinassian diachrony is described by Frangeskou as a new form of ecstatic temporality, different from the interpretations given by Heidegger and Rosenzweig. It is analogous to transcendental schematism of reason. We briefly compare Frangeskou’s interpretation with Marc Richir’s notion of transcendental schematism which also goes back to Levinassian diachronic temporality. Richir’s schematism functions as a medium joining together heterogenous elements such as the layer of “phenomenological”, i.e., the unstable and flickering sense, and the layer of “symbolic”, i.e., the organised and stabilised sense. In a similar way, for Frangeskou, diachronic temporality provides a synthesis (though, not a synchronisation) of God, the world and a man.

Key words
Levinas, Kant, Heidegger, Rosenzweig, temporality, diachrony, transcendental schematism.


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